November 2023 Update

It has been a quiet few months since early July 2023 when Pomeroy Lodging, LLC once again postponed their public hearing with Douglas County, requesting to change the Homestead property use from residential to Club/Resort. As you may remember, Brian Lence, RPF GM, was gearing up to combat the request with speeches from many in the Park. At the same time, SOR was gearing up to show a large contingent of protesters at the hearing. There was talk of getting the press involved and then, nothing…

  • Douglas County reports there has been no formal contact from Pomeroy since July. If the submittal remains “dormant” for 6 months, it expires.

  • Arcis Golf Course has confirmed that they have not heard from Pomeroy directly on the subject of the East side access.

  • Roxborough Park Foundation general manager, Brian Lence, has confirmed that he has not heard from Pomeroy. However, RPF lawyers have responded formally, through the DC planning commission, reasserting that RPF will not (and do not have to legally) give access to this commercial entity.

HOWEVER, that DOES NOT mean our work is done, and the property will remain undeveloped. SOR has been using this “guiet” time to accomplish many things, including:

  1. Educational Campaign: SOR has developed a multi-step educational campaign for the community that we will launch in the next few weeks. These steps include: 1) Small group meetings; 2) A mailer for our community with a brochure explaining everything about this effort; 3) A large RPF town hall meeting to take place in early 2024.

  2. Small Group Meetings: “What’s up with the Homestead? Can we save it? What will it cost us?” Knowing that many residents are unclear about the current status of the spa, the potential multi-family residential development and various options of purchasing the property, SOR is planning a series of one-hour, Informational Meetings to educate neighbors about the facts.

    CALL TO ACTION: If you are interested in hosting a small neighborhood gathering in your home for an SOR spokesperson to share updates, please let us know. Contact

  3. Fundraising: Anticipating a potential fund-raising campaign to “Buy the Rox”, a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) has been established to accept tax deductible funds (see your tax advisor for information). The Roxborough Conservancy EIN: 923022262. More on the fund-raising to come…

  4. The current landowners: Always hoping that we could work with the owners of the property, SOR tried for the 4th time in two years to communicate directly with the owners so that a mutually beneficial solution could be found. Again, we were referred to their realtor.

  5. Buy the Rox: SOR continues to search for ways to purchase the property including contacting grant awarding organizations, governmental bodies, family offices as well as individual and small groups of neighbors who have the financial means to purchase the land.

    If you, or someone you know, is looking to establish a legacy by purchasing the land and putting it into a conservation easement which would protect it forever from development as well as providing a substantial Colorado income tax credit for the donor, please contact us.

    REMEMBER… THIS ISN’T OVER IF POMEROY WALKS! Behind Pomeroy are other buyers who want to develop this land. We’ve been told by very reliable sources that the property is being marketed as “Multi-Family Residences.” This means apartments, condominiums and town homes. There is in fact enough water for 30 -40 condos. A small town in the red rocks.

    We heard from one resident that they believed that “Save Our Rox” is really about “Save Our View”. The truth is that many of us don’t even have a view of the rocks from our homes. What we have is a passionate commitment to protect from development this irreplaceable red rocks parcel. It is the figurative and literal HEART of our neighborhood. The impacts of any development on the community are extensive, including fire evacuation, traffic congestion, noise and light pollution, and the loss of habitat for wildlife and birds.

    Let it be your legacy ………………….that YOU kept this parcel wild & free forever. Please host or attend a small group gathering. Feel free to contact us at