April 2023

The Roxborough Conservancy - Keeping the Red Rocks Wildlife Sanctuary Parcel Wild & Free Forever

 Things are moving fast now. Many of you have questions, so the hope is to give you details around 6 major topics:

Topic 1: Why not residential development?

Some folks think residential development on the parcel would be fine. (Once the threat of commercial is gone). In conversations with the landowner's realtor, he states his discussions with residential developers (as back-up offers) have led him to believe that they are only interested in building 30 to 45 condominiums/apartments. And, yes, there is enough water according to the Roxborough Water Department.  So, please be clear that if we do not buy the parcel and put it into a Conservation Easement, there could be condos and apartments lining the parcel on both sides (East and West)..   The vision of 14-18 custom homes on this parcel may not be an accurate reality and we should assume it could be as bad as 30-45 condominiums/apartments for a residential developer’s Return On Investment (ROI).

Topic 2: How can SOR buy the Homestead property? 

The Roxborough Conservancy – A 501(c)3 non-profit has been set up by SAVE OUR ROX.  What does that mean for the future? We want to be ready to put in a competitive offer to buy the parcel as soon as Douglas County denies the re-zoning. The bid would be funded by a consortium of various types of donors, including any of us reading this page! 

Topic 3: Will there be an assessment on Roxborough Park Foundation residents?

There are no plans for an assessment to the Roxborough Park Neighborhood owners at this point. For those willing to donate to help, is why we are creating the 501 (c)3 and to receive a tax deduction for those who seek that option.  

Topic 4: Why not fill out the Pomeroy Survey?

Caution here! The best course of action is to not respond at all. By filling out the survey, it captures your name and address, and there is no option in the survey to say that you are against their development. It assumes you are for it, and then draws you in with manipulative questions. Pomeroy will take the survey results, spin them into a narrative for their purposes, and then submit the twisted data to the Douglas County Planning Commission, and likely use in their public relations efforts..

Topic 5: When will Douglas County Planning Commission make their recommendation for, or against, rezoning? 

It could be as soon as June 5 or June 26.  We believe the Roxborough Park Foundation’s manager, Brian Lence, will plan a community meeting to discuss what will happen at the Planning Commission meeting.

Topic 6: What is the position of ARCIS Equity Partners (The company that owns Arrowhead Golf Course)?

Senior executives of ARCIS state they are interested in a partnership with SOR in support of placing the property into a Conservation Easement.  They submitted a comprehensive Referral Response Letter with DC (back in December) that outlined all their objections with Pomeroy’s commercial development.  

 In keeping with the SOR Mission, which is to Preserve & Protect the Tranquil and Treasured Red Rocks, to be Wild and Free Forever, we believe that we should not passively wait for the outcome of the Douglas County review. We believe we should be planning ways to preserve The Red Rocks Wildlife Sanctuary parcel and prevent any future assaults on our community by commercial and residential developers.